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New Year Resolution

Why are new year resolutions so important…

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If you thought that my New Year resolution was to reduce my hair cut bills or to stay in office till 7pm everyday then I am sorry for disappointing. Its more insightful this year.

When we start our professional lives with personal business commitments why not start our personal lives with some commitments too. There are only three entities that matter to me…if not to all of us; Me & my family, Humanity as a whole, The world we live in.

    Well it might sound mind-numbing to take this so seriously but then let me face it…Trust me …the so called “Secret Law of Attraction” is just not jazz but real too.

    You & your family:

    The biggest gift that you can give your family this year is your health.  Rsln # 1: I swear that I will take my fitness & health seriously – I will work-out 6 days a week & will do a preventive health check up every six months. I will also continue to force my work life balance tilt towards home. While career is very important it’s a mere financier according to me. Well you gotta take your financiers serious too…

    Humanity as a whole:

    What about those 100’s of thousands of children living below poverty line. I know of a few friends living abroad trying to change the way these kids live – but what am I doing. Rsln #2: I swear I’ll spend at least 1 weekend every month working towards better education & self development of kids living below poverty line. I want to help them build their “Brand you” & prosper in life. Even kids coming out of smaller cities have big problems in carrying themselves well. I also want to spend time talking to these kids how can they build their “Brand you”

    The World we live in:

    I don’t know if COP15 managed to do anything apart from good PR. Rsln #3: I swear I will reduce my plastic usage – Refuse to take pp bags & ask for paper bags; else I will carry my own bags every time I go shopping. Actually this sounds like a good business proposition too. How about making a few good trendy shopping bags with nice messages & give it free to all. May be small- fold-able – metal trolley to drag them too. I’ve see many carry such bags abroad- why can’t we do it in India? We can even get it sponsored by those who want to flash that green flag next to their logo. I am going call this OPERATION GREEN FLAG.

    OK now comes the funny bit.   I want to learn Base Guitar. I also want to sport a six pack abs by the end of year. Finally but not the least I want to cycle to office one day a month …yea I am talking about 22 kms one way 😉

    Mark Twain once said… “New Year’s is a harmless annual institution, of no particular use to anybody save as a scapegoat for promiscuous drunks, and friendly calls and humbug resolutions. Drop the last year into the silent limbo of the past. Let it go, for it was imperfect, and thank God that it can go.”

    Issued in public interest 😉 You bet I am joking …

    About Vimal Abraham (53 Articles)
    I am Vimal Abraham. Thank you for visiting NinnySays. I am marketing professional who is known to rant about photography, travel, marketing (duh!) and about everything else that gets me thinking! I'm based in Chennai and I've previously lived in... opps! nowhere else! There are plenty of ways to reach me, dropping me a note at vimal.abraham@gmail.com is probably the easiest.

    3 Comments on New Year Resolution

    1. First of all, All the best brother. If you can do all of them, i’m sure that will make a difference, to you and by it to the world too!
      Secondly, don’t forget that you’re resolution # 1 is not fool-proof in attaining good / improved health by itself. Like i’ve always believed, 80% of your weight is determined by what you eat, and only 20% of what you do (read ‘exercise’). So while you plan to sweat it out 8 days a week, you have to pay close attention to what’s on the plate too.
      If you do this, i reckon you won’t need a health check-up bi-annually. All you need to do are simple things viz. look in the mirror, check your belt loops now and then, weigh yourself once in 3-4 months, hear what people comment now & then on your physical mass, etc. Simple indicators but are very strong in letting you know if you’re heading in the right direction.
      The other two are good resolutions too. I’ve been seen increasing amount of people who take up the promise of taking their own shopping bags. It’s only getting better 🙂


    2. buy a cycle first!


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