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The Total Economic Impact of Killing a Spider

What could be the total economic impact of killing a spider?

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It was a Saturday morning & I was rushing my daughter to her music school. All of a sudden, a sandy brown, menacing looking spider crawled from under the visor, inches away from my eyes. I had a split second to respond. What would you do if you were in my shoes? Would you take a swing at it, pushing it off towards the passenger seat or would shove it down, so that it doesn’t bother you anymore? Or would you just let it be? I tried shoving it down with minimal contact, but all I did was push it onto my lap. That too, at the edge of my khaki shorts!

Arachnophobia took over my reflexes and senses too. In a momentary lapse of reason, I took my eyes off the road and I looked for the creepy spider. Abruptly, I heard the sound of metal crashing onto a bush. I felt the car was bouncing around. I longer bother about the spider and brought the car back to stability. The mind rushed to pacify, I couldn’t have caused any damage as the speedo was barely @ 25km. In the two seconds I spent fearing the spider, I had gone over the median and crashed onto a thorny bougainvillea bush.

As security guards, drivers and neighbors rushed out to investigate, there was a sense of curiosity. How could anyone crash his car here! I rushed to defend my dented ego that it wasn’t me but the spider who did it!

I got back into my car, feeling lucky that everyone was safe, including my car. My eight-year-old who was in the passenger seat looked rattled, but she was safe. As I drove few meters, I could sense it, the car was rolling smooth. But the optimist in me whispered it was just a few scratches. A few meters more, optimist lowered his voice as the suspension felt choppy. A few meters more, the optimist went missing. I felt the death blow as my car produced a cacophony of sounds.

As I crawled it to the garage, I kept visualizing the mechanic hammering things back to normalcy. I wanted to hear the words, I was lucky that I didn’t damage the car. But I knew I was wrong. The two seconds of Arachnophobia had bent my suspension, damaged the struts, bowed the stabilizer link rod, beaten-up the lower arm assembly, dented the alloys and ripped a part of the tire. Damages that would cost more than Rs. 40,000 to fix.

I was also going to be stuck without a car for 4 days; adding the cab expenses the estimate the impact was close to 45 grand! All for an attempted murder of a spider. Next time you are driving and you see a spider, just let it be!

About Vimal Abraham (53 Articles)
I am Vimal Abraham. Thank you for visiting NinnySays. I am marketing professional who is known to rant about photography, travel, marketing (duh!) and about everything else that gets me thinking! I'm based in Chennai and I've previously lived in... opps! nowhere else! There are plenty of ways to reach me, dropping me a note at vimal.abraham@gmail.com is probably the easiest.

3 Comments on The Total Economic Impact of Killing a Spider

  1. Mathangi Jeypal // October 20, 2016 at 1:38 pm // Reply

    Nice one Vimal. Particularly liked the title and then all that did go with it 🙂


  2. so…what happened to the spider? hmm…


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